Learn to read Sanskrit (waiting list)
A unique opportunity to study the script of the Gods (devanāgarī) from the comfort of your own home.
The study of Sanskrit can be a profound and revelatory experience. It is the language in which the ancient wisdom of India was composed in, and is the language of all the yogic texts.
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Price: £340
Course details
ओं तत् सवितुर् वरेण्यं भर्गो देवस्य धिमहि । धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात् ।
- Engage with the script of the Gods (devanāgarī) from the comfort of your own home.
- Learn to read and sound āsana names and the works of yoga all composed in Sanskrit.
- Sound sections from the Bhagavad Gītā, Yoga Sūtra, Veda and various tantra.
- Discover what it is about the Sanskrit language that can make its study such a profound and revelatory experience.
- Fabled for its mystical power, each letter holds a unique resonance. Feel this resonance in your own body by learning how to correctly pronounce these letters.
- 10 Zoom sessions (2 hours)
- (23/9, 7/10, 21/10, 4/11, 18/11, 2/12, 13/1, 27/1, 10/2. 24/2)
- You will have access to the videos after the session should you have to miss a session, or want to recap.
- Access to supporting documents, recordings and email support.
- There will be homework after every session which we will mark and get back to you
ओं तत् सत् ।

- Audio recordings
- Access to the videos after the live event via the course login page.
- Course notes
- All homework individually marked
Chants included:
śiva sūtras
the 16 divine mothers
the 4 great sayings
passages from the Upaniṣad
sections from the Yoga Sūtra
ओं शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ।

This course has been utterly transformational, and deeply rewarding, too. I feel so lucky to have encountered such an authentic, graceful and inspiring Sanskrit teacher in Lucy!
From the very first class, I knew this course was something special, and as it unfolded week after week, it's long-ranging effects began to become increasingly apparent.
Each week, my understanding of this beautiful language deepened, and the bi-weekly calls invariably left me feeling inspired, activated and empowered to dive into the study of these sounds and letters with humility and burgeoning confidence.
What I have learned from this course reaches far beyond simply understanding a new alphabet or being able to read a script different from my native language. The application of the teachings and the completion of homework assignments has actually served to act almost as an initiatory journey into the infinite world of sound and symbol.

It's been so wonderful learning sanskrit, it's a beautiful language so intricately woven together with the essence of all the elements, really special and quite magical. Thank you so much for teaching and sharing this in such a way that made it simple to digest.

Lucy is a gifted teacher. Her passion for the Sanskrit language together with her warmth and humour makes studying with her a joy. I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn to read and write Sanskrit.

I’m enjoying the on-line Sanskrit course immensely: it is making a huge difference to my Yoga Sutra chanting, and it’s fun to share some of the insights with my yoga students, who seem to love to chant (and hear chanting). The course has inspired me to look more deeply into the roots of Sanskrit and yoga , which has been amazingly rewarding. Your teaching is wonderful. You exude true love and curiosity for your journey, which is infectious! I can’t wait for the next session in September!

Inquisitive, resourceful, generous and accommodating, Lucy's genius in the realm or sound is shared with an unassuming wit, humour and kindness of character. My recommendation of Lucy is sincere, and comes with the request of those who are as sincere, to entertain an opportunity of exploring the richness of the Self through the guidance of dear Lucy's stellar mastery.

I have never met a person like Lucy, and what a privilege it is knowing her! With her guidance, material like the "Yoga sutras of Patanjali", which I can find difficult to absorb on my own, absolutely came alive.
Her style of transmitting information is a well crafted art. It was such an incredible experience that during a break I asked Lucy how it was possible that I've never possessed such a direct line of focus before this? She explained that these teachings, when passed along from a place of true knowing, take on that type of energy that I had experienced.
So, it's a bit difficult to express how profound her presence in the room was. It was something else. All I can do is say thank you, Lucy, for taking me on that journey. My journey into true knowing and onto deeper levels of conscious has been so positively effected by our meeting!

Thank you very much Lucy for being so faithful to the sutras' conciseness, juiciness and simplicity. Your teaching was precisely that and made dipping a toe into the scriptures world much less daunting. Your style of teaching is both direct, focused, dedicated, strong, joyful and so simple. You were a real joy to be around.

After the first chanting workshop I did with Lucy Crisfield, I felt a sense of transformation. It is difficult to describe in words but the world felt different! Lucy manages to teach people of mixed experience in a group with absolute authority, clarity and authenticity. She is an inspiration. She allows the chants to 'speak for themselves' whilst illuminating their meaning when appropriate. I feel total trust in her as she lights the way to the new experiences and understandings gained by chanting.

Thank you Lucy I've really enjoyed the Sounds of Sanskrit, it's taught me so much. I believe it's helped me to find a sense of peace within me that I didn't have before. The sounds feel very primordial and resonate with a deep sense of one's inner being. It's like "Wow" this is what's been missing from my life! Now I've found it I don't want to let it go. I want to keep learning more and immersing my soul in these beautiful sounds.
Thank you Lucy, you've opened my eyes, my heart; my essence to something profoundly special and deeply powerful.

I just wanted to say thank you so much for the incredible retreat, it was one of the best things I have ever done. You really brought the sutras to life and made them easy to understand. I had a very deep sense of understanding and believing in them and I have been reflecting on and keeping in mind much from the retreat since I left.

Collectively, India has been seen through me for 8 months over recent years, it's another place to feel at home. That said, your approach and methodology opened me up to understand a little more. For the first time, Sanskrit felt accessible, however is was the sensation of what I felt that really touched me, more so than 8 months in India, so that you for that gift.
You really did leave the group totally enchanted and willing to exploring more.
Massive thanks again for such an incredible weekend.

Thank you SO much for such an enriching, fun, loafing-about and deep exploration of the sutras and meditation in wonderfully beautiful and hospitable environs and with a group of generous and supportive people, to all of whom you have clearly offered so much – and continue to do so. I feel very privileged to have crossed paths with you.